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Try out some specific health literacy tasks with ChatGPT.

  • 1.  Try out some specific health literacy tasks with ChatGPT.

    Posted 12-19-2024 10:24 AM
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    Last month you signed up for ChatGPT. Now it is time to practice using it for health literacy-related tasks. Here are some ideas to help get you started.

     1. Role-Play a Patient Interaction

    • Task: Ask ChatGPT to act as a patient with a specific health concern. Practice providing clear, empathetic explanations or recommendations based on the patient's question.

    • Example Prompt: "You are a patient asking about managing diabetes. Ask me questions, and I'll try to explain."

    2. Design Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    • Task: Develop FAQs for a healthcare service or topic, such as "What to expect during a blood test."

    • Example Prompt: "Create a list of 5 FAQs with answers for a patient preparing for an MRI."

    3. Generate Patient-Friendly Analogies

    • Task: Ask ChatGPT to create analogies to help patients understand medical procedures or conditions.

    • Example Prompt: "Explain how a blood pressure cuff works using a simple analogy."

    4. Create a Quiz or Game

    • Task: Collaborate with ChatGPT to develop a health-related quiz or trivia game to engage patients or staff.

    • Example Prompt: "Create a 5-question multiple-choice quiz about healthy eating."

    5. Draft Responses to Common Patient Questions

    • Task: Practice answering common patient questions with ChatGPT, ensuring clarity and empathy.

    • Example Prompt: "Write a response for a patient asking, 'Why do I need a colonoscopy?'"

    Tracy Mehan
    Director of Research Translation & Communication
    Nationwide Children's Hospital
    Columbus, OH United States