Michael Villaire, MSLM, is Chairman and CEO of the Institute for Healthcare Advancement, a healthcare nonprofit 501(c)(3) public charity dedicated to empowering people to better health, with a major mission emphasis on advancing health literacy toward health equity.
Mr. Villaire has written numerous articles on various aspects of health literacy, and lectures nationally on health literacy. He is co-author of the textbook, Health Literacy in Primary Care- A Clinicians Guide, published by Springer in 2007, and the self-help health book, What To Do When Your Child Is Heavy, published by IHA in 2009.
As its CEO, Mr. Villaire leads IHAs health literacy initiatives:
The IHA Health Literacy Solutions Center
The Health Literacy Specialist Certificate Program
Three national, annual, continuing education conferences: Operational Solutions to Improve Health Literacy, the co-sponsored Health Literacy in Action policy and practice conference (HLiA), and the annual Health Literacy Research Conference (HARC)
IHA’s self-help health book series, What To Do For Health, and the micro-pub series on mental health and managing chronic illnesses
Health Literacy Research and Practice, an online, peer-reviewed, open access journal in health literacy.